Tourism Promotion Committee

Tourism Promotion Committee Overview

The Silverton Tourism Promotion Committee (TPC) is an appointed committee of the City of Silverton, formed in 2008.

The TPC meets as needed, to review and provide recommendations to the City Council regarding grant applications promoting tourism in Silverton. The grant funds come from a percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax the City receives according to City ordinance and state statute. 

The TPC is made up of eight (8) seats, consisting of one representative from the following entities: a Silverton Mural Society Board Member; Homer Davenport Community Festival Board Member; Silverton Chamber of Commerce Board Member; Silverton Fine Arts Association Board Member;  Short Term Stay/Hotel Owner/Operator; a City Council Member; and two At-Large Appointees. Appointed members serve for a three-year term.


The committee typically meets in the spring and fall to review grant applications.

View the Meetings page to access the most recent packet or approved minutes.

Grant Approval Criteria

  • Provide a detailed description of your event/project
  • Describe how this event/project promotes tourism and economic development
  • Explain how you will increase the number of overnight stays
  • Explain how you will track the overnight stays
  • Submit a detailed budget, listing all funding including other sponsorships
  • Demonstrate a Return on Investment


Committee Members

Silverton Mural Society 
Norm English
Homer Davenport 
Community Festival 
Silverton Chamber of Commerce 
Becky Ludden
Silverton Arts Association 
Taryn Desmarteau
Short Term stay/Hotel Owner/Operator  Vacant 
Lynn Schlater-Williams
City Council Member
Marie Traeger
At-Large Appointee
Stacy Shaw


At-Large Appointee


Click here for a Committee Application